Private Lessons

I am delighted to announce that students of the O'Neill-James School of Irish Dance who are interested in private lessons may now sign up by clicking here.
A private lesson is an opportunity to polish specific steps through individual instruction, whether your goal is competition, performance, or just cementing new skills.
All private lessons are in the O’Neill-James Studio (6406 16th St N, Arlington, VA). Private lessons are 50 minutes in duration and for one pupil only, unless they have they have been organized for figure dance. To reduce administrative burden, we request cash payment for all private lessons. Private lessons are $85 per 50-minute lesson.
Parents or students can manage their own preferences on SignUp Genius and can change or cancel their own sign-ups up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled lesson with no penalty. We understand that emergencies arise. If you must cancel a lesson with less than 48 hours' notice, please notify Mrs. James as soon as possible by sending an email to [email protected] (cc: [email protected]) and leaving a message at 703-241-1978.
No-shows must be paid in full.
Lessons are allocated on a first-come basis. Students may sign up for up to 3 lessons at any time in the busy lead-up to Oireachtas, but in fairness to others, they will be asked to release lesson slots if demand outstrips availability. Specific instructions on signing up for individual and figures lessons can be found on the sign-up welcome page. The window for signing up closes 48 hours before each scheduled lesson -- if you are interested
in lessons please make sure to go online soon!
If you have any questions or problems, please contact [email protected].
Happy dancing!